Saturday, June 20, 2009

Some history

Until the early 1970's Reno was the largest and most influential gambling capital in the world, bar none. Reno had the largest casino, the most prosperous casinos, hosted the best entertainers, and earned the most money over any other casino city.

Three of the longest lived, greatest, and most innovative casinos in the world, if not just Reno, were established by men seeking refuge in Reno. Two of those men, Harold Smith and Bill Harrah sought sanctuary from the crackdowns on fringe gambling operations in California. Lincoln Fitzgerald of The Nevada Club, Nevada Lodge, was a fugitive from the Detroit area in Michigan.

Of the three pioneer clubs, Fitzgerald's Nevada Club stood alone as always, from its inception until its destruction over 50 years later, always about gambling.

It was a gambling house built by men who knew gambling, for patrons of gambling houses. It was never a Hotel, eating destination, arcade, or sidetracked by other attractions.

The Nevada Club was all about being a great gaming establishment operated for those who appreciated such. It is doubtful that we will ever see such a place ever again.

1 comment:

  1. Only club I knew that would and could take any bet offered the reason is Fitz owned it and could and would take most any bet. Also had the French Roulette which was great for system players. Nevada
    club got all the real gamblers.
